Dizzy Heights #77: Conjunction Junction, Vol. I

This idea started where all good ideas start: in the shower.

Originally, this was going to be nothing but songs that start with ‘If,’ but I ultimately decided to mix things up. You will notice, though, that ‘if’ rules the roost, at least in this installment. Pretty sure I’ll be bringing this one back for a second tour of duty.

NINE artists make their Dizzy Heights debut this week, including two Rock and Roll Hall of Famers and an alt-rock giant that’s been a radio mainstay for almost three decades. I would argue that they’re a wildly inconsistent mainstay, but a mainstay just the same.

Thank you, as always, for listening.

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Dizzy Heights #76: The Cuervo Gold, The Fine Colombian – Songs with Greetings and Salutations

Hello! Goodbye. Welcome! Hey. Goodnight. Bye! One of those six words appears in every song in this show (and in three cases, two or three of them appear). It is that simple.

I am not deep.

Yes, it’s true: I talk about editing one of these songs down from its monstrous run time, then listened to it again, and realized I could cut another 35 seconds and create a better edit, even though the “better” edit still sticks out like a sore thumb to me. It’s my “Strawberry Fields Forever.” Beatles fans nod knowingly. So does my wife, who gets that reference against her wishes.

Thank you, as always, for listening.

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